3D Printed Foam*
*Bubbles Included!
PrintFoam 3D Prints Foam:
Foam100: sample scale, 100mm x 100mm x 15mm build volume
Foam300: prototype scale, 300mm x 300mm x 15mm
Foam1200: production scale, 1200 mm x 2400 mm x 25mm
Print Time: All printers can fill the entire build volume in approximately 15 minutes
Resolution: 20 mm Optical Patterning
Min Feature Size: 100-200 mm (dependent on material and foam properties)
PrintFoam offers a range of photoresins which can vary the matrix properties of size of the foam porosity.
Because our hardware enables the rapid printing of high-viscosity resins, material performance is superior to most other photopolymer 3D printing technologies on the market.
Materials filled with ceramic, metal, glass/polymer fibers and particles can be designed to produce tuned EM/RF, thermal, acoustical, and mechanical performance not seen in other materials.
PrintFoam currently offers objects produced on the Foam100 and Foam300 as a service.
The Foam1200 system is used for applications with sufficiently high demand.
Alternatively, the Foam1200 can be customized to an end-user’s specifications for on-site installation if a use case warrants the upfront capital investment.